Avoiding the fight is always the best choice
Training jiu jitsu, like carrying a firearm gives us confidence that we can handle ourselves in the majority of the bad situations that may come up as we are living our day to day lives.
We zijn ervan overtuigd dat jiu-jitsu één van de beste zelfverdedigingssystemen is voor jong en oud, voor man en vrouw, sportief of onsportief. De voornaamste redenen hiervoor zijn de volgende:
Maar niet alleen op dat vlak is jiu-jitsu goud waard. Er zijn veel meer facetten aan onze sport. Je krijgt een betere fysieke conditie, je wordt ook mentaal sterker, je ontwikkelt meer zelfvertrouwen waardoor je je beter in je vel voelt, je hebt nog het sociale aspect van te trainen in groep, en nog zoveel meer … Dit blog is bedoeld om het publiek meer inzicht te geven in onze sport in al haar geledingen. We hebben ervoor gekozen om de artikels in het Engels te plaatsen. Veel originele artikels zijn ook in het Engels en zo bereiken we ook de mensen die de Nederlandse taal niet machtig zijn. We geloven erin dat veel mensen baat zouden hebben bij de beoefening van jiu-jitsu. Alleen merken we dat er bij veel mensen drempelvrees is ... of dat jiu-jitsu nog een onbekend beestje is in België. Nochtans zegt iedereen die ermee start: “was ik maar eerder begonnen”. Veel leesplezier!
3 jul 2021 14:16
Training jiu jitsu, like carrying a firearm gives us confidence that we can handle ourselves in the majority of the bad situations that may come up as we are living our day to day lives.
20 mrt 2021 00:32
Often when we teach a new group of people who are already involved in the martial arts, we let them begin in the bottom of the mount and ask them to demonstrate how to escape. This is our way of defining their level of experience in the ground game in a blink of an eye. If the first thing they do is striking or eye gouging, we know we have a lot of work to do.
15 mrt 2021 11:24
Stability balls are, in my opinion, the best tool for developing specific movements for ground fighting skills in jiu-jitsu when you haven’t got a training partner. I’d even go as far as saying that there are movements you can develop on a stability ball, that you can’t with a partner. Stability balls can’t get injured, don’t get tired, don’t complain and they’re always ready to train day or night. You can do what you want to them.
11 mrt 2021 16:02
In jiu-jitsu, your core strength and conditioning is paramount to your success on the mats. Just about every movement extends from the core or uses muscles that form part of the core. For example, from standing, every throw, takedown, sprawl utilises the core. Every use of your hips (e.g. shrimping, hip bumps), each escape, every submission and just about all movement that generates any leverage, whether you’re on top or bottom, stems from the core. So if your core is weak, you are going to have problems when rolling and your jiu-jitsu is not going to grow at the rate you expect or want.
3 mrt 2021 10:04
In this article I want to talk about the origins of the TRX or how a Navy Seal's mistakenly packed jiu-jitsu belt launched a home fitness revolution. A deployment that lasted way too long and a fortuitous stowaway gave Randy Hetrick the chance to create the now-beloved TRX.
15 feb 2021 22:24
This is an excellent article posted on JiuJitsu Times by Averi Clements about why women should train jiu-jitsu. As the Head Instructor at Fundamentals Jiu-Jitsu, I could NOT agree more.
15 feb 2021 21:30
This article is about why every grappler needs to foam roll. If you’re really dedicated towards becoming better in jiu-jitsu, then you should already know that it’s not just the training that will get you there. You need to incorporate other things as well; such as watching instructionals and analyzing footage, cross-training, taking care of the nutrition and getting enough hours of sleep, rehab and prehab work… There’s a lot to take in and a lot to do – but nothing is too much for when you want to become the best!Therefore, it’s about time that you start enjoying the benefits of foam rolling as well.
6 feb 2021 00:16
Police Self Defense training is very specific. Police officers have to learn self defense for both armed and unarmed situations. They need to use a martial art that can subdue a criminal suspect without harming them. Grappling arts are essential as they can control the suspect without striking them.
14 jan 2021 20:51
With over 5,000 years of history, yoga is one of the favorite forms of exercise for active people today. A mix of movement, breathing and meditation, this ancient set of techniques can and will help you with your conditioning for a better performance on the mats. We went after yoga instructor Angela Kent and black-belt Flavio Almeida and they shared the following eight ways yoga can help your jiu-jitsu training.
29 dec 2020 14:25
When we talk about ‘fundamentals’, we are not talking about what’s most basic – we are talking about what’s most important. You can't build a house on sand. In any art, whether ballet, cooking, drawing/painting, carving, jiu-jitsu or any martial arts (just to name a few), proof of knowledge of the basics, and the learning of fundamentals is paramount before a student can be considered for entry into deeper levels of the art. This is different than a skill, in which there are basically just different things to learn how to do. Skills are things like running, weight lifting, reading, or kayaking. This is in fact the difference between art and skill; art is something that you can never stop improving on and learning about, skill just means the ability to do something well.
3 dec 2020 23:11
For me practicing martial arts has always been the search for truth. Over the past years Fundamentals Jiu-Jitsu has evolved from a more traditional way of training and teaching to a very modern and realistic approach to self-defense and fighting in general. It is not about the style or the techniques. It is all about how you train that makes it (more) functional. Aliveness is the epistemology of functional martial arts. It is the self-correcting mechanism that allows us to adjust our form to align with function. It is a truth seeking method.
19 nov 2020 21:14
The Guard makes Brazilian Jiu Jitsu distinct from all other grappling disciplines. Providing one with the ability to control distance and disrupt their opponent’s base, the guard is crucial for self defense, sport and combat. The ability to reverse roles from attack to defense- change positions from bottom to top- is a cornerstone in making the art as effective as it is.